We define a directive that will automatically slash the input field as user typein the date. The directive have following capabiltiy: The directive will append slash '/' when input field has 2 or 5 characters. The input will accept only 10 characters (dd/mm/yyyy). Validity of date provide will not be checked. When the backspace is pressed it will remove the last two character if last character is slash. Otherwise it will remove last character from the input field. The input will not accept characters other than numbers (0 to 9). Let's jump into the code. We will use bootstrap for awesome look: HTML Code: <div class="container" ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myAppCtrl"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <form class="form-horizontal"> <h4 class="bg-primary">Auto Slashing Date using Angularjs Directive</h4> <div class=...
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